Thursday, March 19, 2009

Oh, The Mud

Does anyone remember the My Little Pony movie where baby Lickity Split (or something) ran away and a witch made a batch of Smooze that would take over the pony's valley if not stopped?

Smooze is this awesome gray/brown stuff with popping eyes that stretches out across the land and covers everything in its destructive path.

In the real world, we call that "Mud Season"

Mud season is the root of all that is evil. I wish it would crawl back to the pit in which it came and never return. Unlike the lucky souls who reside in make-believe pony valley, mud can't be overcome by force of Flutter Pony wing power like Smooze. You just have to outwait mud, because mud isn't going to go away until rainy spring turns into a summer drought.

Taunie is in mud up to her knees. I'm in Pennsylvania waiting for her coggins to come back, and I haven't seen my horse in a month (have you noticed there have been no updates?). Trent took her to the vets on Monday for a health certificate and her coggins. I made sure that he promised to clean her up before he took her. This isn't just for the vet's benefit, but I'm so picky about my horse's appearance that its somehow become a compulsive habit. I think its from being a foxhunting/polo groom. So 3 hours away, I had to trust that Trent groomed her up. I made him take a picture of her for proof and low and behold, there she was...all black, no Smooze present.

I'm impatiently waiting for that stupid coggins to come back so we can finally ship her out of that dry-lot and into a boarding facility. $100 pasture board with an inside and outside arena. Miles of trails behind the barn. I first took lessons there and so I know the BO very well. I'm so excited to have her moved out to somewhere I can finally work her. Ontop of that, I'll be thrilled above anything just to get her out of that dry lot. Its too small and I'm perpetually afraid that she'll get her foot caught in the barbed wire.

Yay for an upgrade!

At least I know the coggins will come back in the next 10 days.

The mud, however, is here to stay for some time. Making anything you want to do in nice weather almost impossible unless you're ok with losing a boot in 2ft deep Smooze.