Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Graffiti to Tonic

Oh, what good news!

I've been flushing Graffiti's eye out for a few days now. Sunday I spent at least 5 minutes staring at that eye. Just staring at it. I couldn't figure out whether it was getting better or if it was just my imagination.

Monday? It was clear as day. Bright eyed, open to the world. No more irritations. No more squinting.

Score! I was going to call the vet on Monday to see about getting some eye cream, but it looks like whatever was in there had flushed itself out and she's fine and dandy now. I'm awesome like that.

We got our water trough in. I'm delighted about that. For years Trents mom had used an old bathtub for a trough. I didn't really care when it was just the two other horses in there. But once I brought my filly in, I couldn't help but eye it with hatred. I didn't like that old bathtub. It was gross. Dirty. Sharp edges. Dangerous. I hated it. But Sunday was the day we got a real watering trough. One of those big black plastic ones. Its so shiney and beautiful!

Ontop of that she's looking into buying a water heater! A water heater! The same thing she denied me when I asked a few weeks ago. I'm so excited. I know she's not doing it for me. She'd doing it to upgrade her own little farm-thing. But it still feels like Christmas anyways. A real water trough and a heater! Woot! My dreams are coming true.

Lets skip to something different. Trent doesn't like what I named my filly. Even though I named her Graffiti, he just can't bring himself to call her anything but "Emmy", the name she came with. I hate this name. I had trouble with a big gray mare named Emmy. The horse was wonderful, but there was some controversy between me and another rider regarding that horse and it just left a sour taste in my mouth. So I can't call her Emmy. I just can't. However, Trent can't get into the habit of calling that horse Graffiti either. So after some long, hard thought, I decided to rename her. It took me SUCH a long time to come up with that Graffiti name. I think I'll still keep it as a show name. Maybe add onto it. But for now? I had to rename her. So my little black filly goes by "Taunie" now, which is short for Tonic. Trent likes this name. It's simple to remember. Easy to say. And he's been using it.

Showing isn't but a ways off right now so I have plenty of time to fit the words "tinoc" and "graffiti" in the same phrase for a show title. I'm not in any hurry.

I know I promised pictures, but I can't deliver. My camera has no batteries left and I haven't been able to get any.

In the meantime, you can stare at my new puppy for a while

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Cute pup.

I really liked the name Graffiti... But I suppose the new name isn't so bad.