Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Happenings

So nothing out of the ordinary has been happening, really.

I did manage to give Graffiti a nice big ol' headbutt one morning. That was as painful as it was funny. The outcome was black, blue and a little bit of green. Trent was embarressed to be seen with me in public. The picture taken was the day after it happened. It got much darker over the last couple days and its finally starting to lighten up and go away now.

I've been avoiding his parents who kept telling me during my horse search that a horse was dangerous and I shouldn't be around them when I'm pregnant. "I just don't want you to get hurt!" they'd say. And I'd scoff. So in trying not to prove them right, I've been avoiding them (among other stupid reasons). So far so good. They have no clue I have a black eye. The first day it happened I spoke with his dad who didn't even notice. Go me! My ninja skills are sharpening.

Trent's mom and I are at odds with eachother over a whole other issue and it makes my trip to the barn awkard and rushed. I just don't want to be around there when she's home right now and that limits my time with Graffiti. Hopefully she'll get up off that peg that she's sitting and spinning on and I can go about my daily routine.

Graffiti is a dirtbag. Everything warmed up and things were so muddy inside the pasture and run-in that I wasn't going to attempt another grooming session. She's just about as dirty as the other two horses which bugs the crap out of me.

I did venture in there one morning. I tossed her feed pan inside and she lowered her head to eat. I noticed she kept her eye closest to me closed shut. I peeked around the other side and her other one was wide open. I sighed. Something might be wrong. She wasn't crying and there was no swelling, but I felt the need to catch her and pry her eyeball open anyways, much to her dismay. She didn't appriciate it...especially since she was doing really important stuff. Like eating. But she was forced to deal with it. I found nothing. Nothing was stuck in there. No cuts. No nothing. Heaving a sigh of relief, I let her go to finish her grain.

Maybe she just didn't want to see me that day.

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