Thursday, December 18, 2008

Peace Is Restored

It's now been a while since nmy filly first arrived.

We had some issues with the lead mare, Shiloh...but it all seemed to work itself out. I don't know what else to say about it. One day, she was challenging even me as I stood guard over the filly as she ate. She had left her own grain that was 30 feet away to bother the other mare, and challenged me when I stood between the two. She didn't return to her grain afterwards when she lost. Instead she just ate some hay.

These days though...especially the last three feedings, nothing has happened. Nothing. I fed inside all 3 recent times and all those times the filly waits for Shiloh's grain to be poured and then enters the shed for her own grain. All by herself without any coaxing. She stands between the two leaders and eats without hesitation. She knocks her feed pan here and there, this way and that as she eats, and I stand by nervously (of course I do) watching it get too close to one horse or another and I wait to see if theres any reaction.

There is none. Nothing.

I throw the hay inside the shed. I give them all their fair share in each pile...and then I leave. When I leave, I don't see my filly being chased out of the shelter. It appears as though she's been accepted into the herd. This happened as quick as it would take for me to swat at a fly. One day there was a problem, the next day...peace.

I can breathe a sigh of relief now.

So today since I didn't have to worry and grow any gray hairs, I tossed a saddle pad on my girl to see what she would do. To my delight, she stood there and ate her grain. No biggy. I left it there and threw the hay. Came back and rattled it around on her back. No reaction. I pet her with it, touched her all over with it, padded her, shook it at her, put it back on her back and messed it around. I massaged her butt with it, rubbed her belly with it...muttered a "blalalalalalavlavlablablabla!" as I rattled it around. Not reaction.

So someone has worked with her on this before. I don't know who, since her previous owners said they didn't "sack her out". Just handled her. So now I'm at a loss for things to do. It's simply too muddy for me to walk around the pasture with her without risking a fall on my part. So it looks like I'll be the groom/food provider until the ground dries up a little.

I finally came up with a name for her. I don't know why...but everytime I would think of a name for her, I kept thinking of dark city alleyways and urban jungles. I have no clue why. The sensation just never left me and I started growing attracted towards songs that revolved around that. I started thinking of things that you'd find in dark city alleyways...and a few things popped up. Trash. Dumpsters. Crystal Meth. Fire escapes. .... wait, Graffiti!

And it fits her so well. Graffiti it is. Graffiti is artwork thats unwanted...and believe me, Trents mom was VERY distraught when she found out we brought a horse in (even if she knew about it prior).

I WANT to take more pictures of her, but I just can't bring her to run around a muddy paddock for some good shots. Thats asking for disaster. So again, I have to wait for the drier weather.

Viva la Graffiti!

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